
WellandPrimary School

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Oak Class

Oak Class


Teacher: Miss Knight 

Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Mrs Marucci



Welcome to Oak Class. Oak class is a Year 6 class. This is an exciting time where children are further developing their confidence, independence and resourcefulness as they prepare for the transition to high school. Throughout the year, we look at what it means to have a growth mindset and children have numerous opportunities to work both as a team and independently to solve a variety of problems. 

Autumn Curriculum Newsletter

What does learning look like in our classroom? 



We follow the Maths mastery approach. This aims for pupils to develop a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. We aim for children to use their knowledge of a concept to solve unfamiliar word problems, and undertake complex reasoning, using the appropriate mathematical vocabulary. 


In English, children will continue to develop their writing skillset in order to communicate their ideas effectively with the wider world. Lessons will usually focus around a key text which children will spend time reading and evaluating in detail. This will then be used to inspire their own writing. 


 Literacy also covers our Guided Reading sessions. During our guided reading lessons children will use the acronym VIPERS to help recall the 6 reading domains as part of the UK's reading curriculum, these are: 






Sequence or Summarise. 

Our Art Portraits

Art inspired by our book 'Wolf Brother' 

While drawing our pictures, we focused on line.


We aim to ensure that Science, along with all our subject areas, takes place through practical exciting and hands-on learning tasks. Children are encouraged to ask questions around scientific concepts; they are then encouraged to plan and conduct investigations to find the answers independently. They will learn about concepts such as making predictions, identifying dependent and independent variables, fair testing, raking measurements, gathering and recording data and reporting their findings. 


We also provide a range of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) challenges to further encourage the development of scientific skills.


In Oak Class, children engage in a series of science topics to expand their knowledge of the world around them, these include: evolution, electricity, light, living things and their habitat and animals including humans. 

Investigating Light

Investigating the components of blood 

Foundation Subjects 

In the afternoons, children are immersed in a range of foundation subjects: Geography, History, PSHE, Art, Design and Technology, Computing, P.E, R.E, and Music. We also teach French as our modern foreign language. 

Oak Class Foundation Subjects
