
WellandPrimary School

Enjoy, Aspire, Achieve Together

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Ash Class

Welcome to Ash Class (Year 1).

Mr. Logan and Mrs. Vale welcome you to the Ash Class page.


Please take some time to explore our page for a flavour of what it is like to be part of Ash Class here at Welland Primary School.


Do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any queries.


Key Information.

P.E will be every Monday – children to come to school wearing P.E kit.


Woodland Wonder will be every other Tuesday – children to come to school wearing Woodland Wonder clothing, bringing waterproofs, wellies and spare clothing in a plastic bag.


See below a typical day in the life of Ash Class...

Our Learning.


Children receive daily phonics sessions using the Read Write Inc. phonics scheme, where they have reading sessions in smaller groups. Reading books will be sent home every 3 or 5 days (dependent on groupings).


Support your child by reading daily at home and using the provided Read Write Inc. sound booklets (green and yellow) and completing any shared phonics activities (homework).


Please find some useful links below to support your child's Phonics at home:


Children will be supported to develop their sentence writing, using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops consistently.


Children will be introduced to the different word classifications, such as nouns, adjectives, verbs and conjunctions, and supported to appropriately use these in their writing to aid them when writing for a specific purpose as well as write increasingly extensively with more detail.


We are currently reading...


The focus of our Mathematic teaching in Year 1 is to help pupils develop confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. This involves working with numerals, words, and the four operations. The children use practical resources to support their understanding, then move onto visual images of the concrete items before introducing the abstract (numbers and symbols).


Children will be encouraged to work scientifically by performing simple tests, observing closely and recording data to help answer questions they have devised.


In the Autumn term, children learnt about animals, including humans.


In the Spring term, we will learn about everyday materials.


Supported by our Woodland Wonder Sessions, we will also learn about the 4 seasons, observing changes across the four seasons and observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies.

Foundation Subjects.

Rather than the 7 areas of learning set out in Reception by the Early Learning Goals, children now learn from the National Curriculum which explores each subject in isolation.


From the foundations set in Reception, children will have the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge in each subject in isolation, giving them the opportunity to begin developing interests in particular subjects.


Here ia an overview of our Foundation Subjects this term...
