
WellandPrimary School

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Religious Education (RE)

Curriculum Intent

Religious Education

At Welland Primary School, we aim to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare all pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.  We deliver multi-faith Religious Education lessons which reflect the fact that religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian, while taking account of the teaching and practices of other principal religions represented in Great Britain such as Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Judaism.


We deliver Religious Education using the statutory Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus guidance.  Welland Primary has a comprehensive long term R.E. plan which ensures quality teaching and learning takes place with half termly key questions being explored.  


Our threshold concepts for R.E. are:


  • Understand beliefs and teachings: This concept involves understanding the key teachings of various religions
  • Understand practices and lifestyles: This includes understanding the day to day lives and practices of various religions worldwide
  • Understand how beliefs are conveyed: Understanding how books, scriptures, readings, and other important means of communication are used to convey beliefs
  • Reflect: Appreciation of how religion plays an important role in the lives of some people
  • Understand values: Appreciation of how many people place values as an important aspect of their lives.


R.E. and collective worship is compulsory in faith and non-faith academy schools.  Foundation Stage and KS1 pupils receive 36 hours of R.E. teaching per year and KS2 45 hours.  Every child has the opportunity to take part in R.E. either as a discrete subject or via a cross curricular method.  R.E. can be delivered as part of whole school projects, blocks of lessons or weekly sessions. They also participate in assemblies, celebrations and festivals, visits to religious centres and places of worship, visits to the local Church as well as links with Church community.  Cross curricular links are made as appropriate.


Religious Education in our classrooms


You will see:

● Children engaged and excited by religious education

● Children using a range of different ways of recording their understanding

● Children working collaboratively

● Children using their growing skills to publish, research and investigate religious practices

● Children demonstrating an understanding of religion and religious practices


You will hear:

● Children evaluating and developing their understanding of how religion shapes people’s lives

● Children excited and passionate about different world religions and beliefs

● Children talking about religion using key terminology

● Children asking questions to further their understanding


You will feel:

● A classroom climate where mistakes are valued and part of the deepening our understanding

● Children building their understanding of how different religions impact upon the lives of people around the globe

● That children are passionate to know more
