
WellandPrimary School

Enjoy, Aspire, Achieve Together

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Our School Day

Our School Day

8.45am - 8.55am - Start of School Day

Children to enter school through the front gate once the gate has been opened by the Headteacher.


Our school day starts with the children arriving at 8.45am and going into their classrooms. In class, the teachers will set fun morning activities to ease the children in to the day. The register will be taken at 9am.


Registration is at 9.00am. Children arriving after 9.00am but before 9.10am will receive a late mark. Children arriving after 9.10am are recorded as absent unless they have a pre-advised medical appointment.


Every day we either have a class assembly or a whole school assembly in the hall.


In the morning each class will have a maths and an English lesson. 


Break time is at 10.25am for Chestnut, Ash and Maple class, and 10.50am for Walnut, Willow and Oak classes. This gives children time to let off steam and have some fresh air before they start lessons again.


Lunch is at 12.30pm until 1.30pm with different sittings and with the younger children going first.

The afternoons vary in content, children will study other curriculum areas and have PE lessons.


We have high expectations for all of our pupils; we expect them to engage in their learning, to support their peers, to have manners and to be polite. We encourage our pupils to be as independent as possible, we develop learning skills and celebrate effort as well as achievement.


For our part we spend time planning stimulating lessons which cater for all children’s needs. We use trips and visitors to enhance learning. We differentiate lessons so all pupil needs are met.


3.25pm - End of School Day

Children in Chestnut, Ash, Maple and Willow classes will be dismissed to parents/carers on the playground. Children in Walnut class leave through the side exit of the new extension. Oak class are dismissed from the front gate. Children in Key Stage Two who wish to walk home on their own may do so at parent’s discretion. An email must be sent to the school office given ongoing permission if you wish your child to do this. 


Parents are requested to email school if someone other than a child’s parent is collecting them from school. We understand that after school, some children go to friends’ houses to play, but we MUST have an email from you confirming arrangements or we cannot release your child.


Children are expected to be in school from 8.55am until 3.25pm each day, for a total of 32.5 hours a week. 
