
WellandPrimary School

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Friends of Welland Primary

Watch out for our new banner coming soon...


Thank you for BannerBuzz for sponsoring

Friends of Welland Primary

Our first fundraiser is a Halloween Film Night and Games. Payment can be made through WEDUC (from October). £6 to include a hot dog, goody bag and games. More details to come soon. 

Welcome back to a very busy Autumn Term.


Welcome to all our new reception children and we look forward to meeting you all at our upcoming events.

Thank you for your continued support. Enjoy the summer break. See you in September. smiley

Thank you to everyone who helped at WELLANDFEST we raised a fantastic £243.50

The ice pop sale raised £32.70 

Next Friends of Welland meeting - Thursday 20th June 6pm - 7pm

It was lovely to be part of Welland's BIG BASH at the weekend - we raised £187

Thank you to everyone who supported our stall.

Keep an eye out for the Year 6's wearing their Leavers Hoodies soon - a leaving present from The Friends of Welland Primary School.

Good Luck to them all as they leave us for High School - what a fantastic group of young adults!

Welland's Got Talent Final

Wednesday 19th June 5pm

Tickets on sale on WEDUC.

Fantastic acts from each class will be showcasing their talents.

Don't miss it

Buy your tickets now!!

Thank you all for supporting Break The Rules Day

We raised a fantastic £266.35

It was lovely to see all the cuddly toys sat on the desks.


Start practising....coming soon

Welland's Got Talent!


These will be in the playground soon...

New outdoor cushions.

We have bought 10 large outdoor cushions with the money raised by our events. They will be available in the playground when the weather is dry for quiet reading and colouring.

Thank you for your continued support - it enables us to buy items like these cushions for the children at Welland Primary School. 

We have a vacancy for a secretary on our committee

Duties include:

  • Respond to correspondence, keep minutes of meetings, circulate to committee.
  • Organise meetings, sets up teams(or equivalent)liaising with committee.
  • Help draw up agenda with other officers.
  • Supports committee with admin.
  • Signatory on the account.
  • Requesting and organising volunteers for events.

If you have any questions please email

World Book Day

Thursday 7th March

Buy your Welland Wonder Bar on Weduc for £2.00

Does yours have the winning ticket inside?

Chocolate Bars will be given out on World Book Day






Coming up this term:

World Book Day - Thursday 7th March

Welland Wonder Bar - chocolate fundraiser.

Chocolate bars £2 each, they will be available to buy on Weduc nearer the time.

Dress down day for donations for the Easter Bingo - Friday 15th March

Donations can be Easter eggs, chocolate, sweets or anything suitable for a raffle prize.

Easter Bingo 3.30pm in the school hall 

Thursday 21st March

Bingo books £1 each. Raffle tickets £1 each Available to purchase on Weduc nearer the time.

Thank you for everyone who attended or donated items for the Christmas Fair. We made a fantastic £645.17.

The classes are busy spending the money they made on their stalls. We will update you all on what has been bought shortly.

Happy New Year to you all.

We have lots of events planned for the upcoming term. More details to follow. 

Thank you to everyone who attended the disco and for the fantastic 'spooky' costumes.

We raised a fantastic £470.45

Christmas card proofs should have come home with your child. Please place your order through weduc. If you have any corrections to the name printed on the reverse please email

Gift tags can only be ordered with the corresponding card. Thank you.

Welcome back!

We have had a great start to the new school year and are very excited about the events we have planned for the Autumn Term.

Thursday 26th October - Halloween Disco

£1.50 payable through Weduc. 6pm - 7.30pm

Reception children will need to be accompanied by an adult.

Prizes for the best costumes.

The classes have already been busy creating their Christmas Cards, which are on their way to the company to be printed. A sample card and order details will be sent home with the children as soon as we receive them.

Also coming up this term - 

Decorate a Bauble competition

Dress down Day for donations for the Christmas Fair.

Christmas Fair - 20th December 8.30am.

If you would like to join our committee or help at any of our events, please email

Thank you

The Friends of Welland Primary School need a treasurer for our committee. 

Most of our payments are now completed through Weduc straight into our bank account so it is not too time consuming. You would need to be a signatory on the account and complete a DBS for school. If you need any further information please email

Thank you.

Thank you all for your continued support this year.

Enjoy the Summer holidays. smiley

Events coming up in the Summer term:


Friday 12th May Coronation Afternoon Tea Picnic

to include a Coronation Raffle.

Weeks beginning 15th May and 22nd May - Auditions will be held in each class for

Welland's Got Talent

Friday 19th May - Break the Rules Day

Thursday 15th June - Welland's Got Talent - Final

Wednesday 5th July - ISing Pop Concert

Thursday 20th July End of Year Disco

Thank you to everyone who helped and supported the Easter Bingo.

We raised a fantastic £420

Easter Bingo

Thursday 23rd March 3.30pm in the school hall.

Please book through Weduc

Raffle tickets also on sale through Weduc


Thank you all for your continued support, the money we raise really does make a difference to all the children at Welland Primary School.

Friday 2nd December

Dress down for donations to the Christmas Fair. Donations can be anything that can be used as a prize. If you would like to donate cakes, please can they be brought into school on Thursday 8th December.

Friends of Welland Primary School


Monday 7th November 3.30pm

(access from the playground)


If you are unable to attend and would like to join our committee please email


Thank you for your continued support.

Thank you all for supporting the Halloween Disco.

You all looked amazing.

We raised a fantastic £330

Welcome back!

The Friends of Welland Primary have lots of exciting events planned for this term, please see below for the dates.


Friday 21st October - Halloween Disco (optional fancy dress - prize for the best costume)

Monday 7th November - AGM 3.30pm in The Treehouse (access from the playground)

Friday 2nd December - Dress down for donations for the Christmas Fair

Friday 9th December - Christmas Fair 8.30am in The School Hall (bacon sandwiches on sale) Lots of stalls and games.


Thank you all who have asked to be added to our email and whatsapp group. Please email if you would like to be included.


We will also be sending out a christmas card proof designed by your child


The Friends of Welland Primary School wish you all a very happy Summer holidays.

See you in September.

If you would like to join The Friends of Welland Primary Committee.

Please email

We also have a whatsapp group - please email your number if you would like to be included in this.

Thank you all for your help and support this year.

The disco raised a fantastic £415.00

The children all really enjoyed themselves.

The Lucky Bag draw raised £241.00, well done to Ava and Lewis who won the draw. We hope you enjoy them.

This term we have the End of Year/ Leavers Disco on Wednesday 20th July 6-7.30pm. More details to follow.


If anyone is able to help at this event please email


We will also have 2 'Lucky Bag' prizes, which will be drawn during the last week of term.


Lucky Bag 1 - Complimentary Family Admission to Eastnor Castle plus other small prizes.

Lucky Bag 2 - £25 Food Gift Voucher for The Marlbank, Welland plus other small prizes.


Details of how to enter will be posted on WEDUC




Thank you all for your continued support, the money we raise really does make a difference to all the children at

Welland Primary School.

Easter Bingo

Wednesday 6th April 3.30pm in the school hall.

Places can be booked through Weduc. 

If you are unable to make the Bingo but would still like to purchase raffle tickets, these too can be bought through Weduc.

Raffle will be drawn during the Bingo.

Refreshments will be served throughout the event.

All funds raised go towards those little extras for the children of Welland Primary School.

Thank you for your continued support.


Dress Down for Donations

Friday 25th March

On Friday 25th March, we will be holding a dress down for donations day.

Come to school in non-uniform and bring a donation for the Easter Bingo on Wednesday 6th April.

Donations can be anything that can be used as a bingo prize (chocolate/sweets) or a raffle prize (child/adult).

Thank you for your continued support.

Friends of Welland Primary

Are you able to help? We need some new members on our committee. If you are able to help,  please email

We need a vice-chair and treasurer to work alongside our current officers with a view to taking over from them. We also need committee members to help organise and run events, when we are able to start holding them again.

The money we raise pays for those extra things our children enjoy so much – we really do make a difference.

Christmas Fundraising

The children will be bringing home their Christmas card proofs today. Cards are available in packs of 10 for £6 or Thank you postcards for £4

Deadline for orders is 24th November

Thank you for your support.

Autumn Term 2021

Welcome back! We hope you have had a great summer. Thank you for your support last year. Even though we were restricted in what we could do we still had a very productive year. 

During the Summer we have used some money raised last year to buy some new picnic benches for the playground - they are due to be delivered any day! We also bought paint and gave the pencil fence a bit of a spruce up. Once the playground is clear we also have some new football goals, to put on the Astro pitch.

So, once again, Thank you all for your support and we look forward to holding lots of fun events this year - to buy those little extras for the children at Welland Primary. 

The Friends of Welland Primary School send thanks to you all for supporting us this year and wish everyone a very relaxing summer smiley

Ice Pop Monday has raised an amazing




Thank you everyone for supporting this event.

Thank you all for supporting

Break the Rules Day

We raised a fantastic


Yellow 'Break the Rules' Day letters should have come home with your child. Choose which rules you would like to break and bring your 'fine' into school on Friday 18th June.

Thank you for supporting Ice Pop Monday - yesterday. 

See you again, next week.

Coming soon - Break the Rules Day!

Keep a look out for a yellow letter with the rules

that can be broken for a 'fine'.

Break the Rules Day - Friday 18th June.

Ice Pop Monday 

Every Monday, from 7th June - 12th July (weather permitting), 

The Friends of Welland Primary will be selling ice pops in the field after school. Price 30p each. Thank you for your continued support. 

Thank you all for supporting the Lego fab-bricks keyring fundraiser.

The children all loved receiving their envelopes and there are lots of keyrings to be seen on the backpacks at school.

Summer Term 2021

Welcome back, we hope you had a lovely Easter.


Coming up this half term we have a new lego fab-bricks fundraiser. Keep an eye out on Weduc for this. We are going to use weduc to order and pay for this fundraiser. Please let us know your thoughts, any problems or if you have any ideas for future fundraisers. You can email


Thank you all for your continued support.

Happy Easter to you all.

Congratulations and Well Done.

The winners are:

Chestnut - Finley

Ash - Martha

Maple - Bella

Walnut - Zach

Willow - Connor

Oak - Jack


Well done to everyone for entering - it was a tough decision!


Well done and thank you to everyone who entered our colouring

competition. The winners will be announced in school tomorrow.

Deadline for the colouring competition is this Friday, 26th March.

Spare colouring sheets available if needed.

Prize for each class. Good Luck!

Welcome Back everyone!           


Next week, the children will be bringing home an Easter Colouring Sheet for our Colouring Competition.

It costs 50p to enter and there is a prize for the best one from each class. The deadline to hand entries in is 26th March. 

Good Luck Everyone!

Welcome back after half term.

This term is normally one of our busiest, unfortunately this year we will be unable to hold any of our school events.

There are a few things we are hoping to do though.

Christmas Cards.

The proofs are currently with the printer and should be sent out this week with the children. Order forms to be returned, again with the children by Thursday 12th November. Please send cash or cheque with your order in a sealed envelope. 

Thank you to everyone who has supported us over the years, the money we raise really does make a difference. Last term we were able to provide school with two handwashing stations to help during this time. We are also helping repair some of the chromebooks. So, again, thank you all. 

Autumn Term 2020


The Friends of Welland Primary are really pleased to be back at school but our fundraising will be a bit different this year. We are currently looking at different ways we can raise funds to provide those little extras for our children and the staff at school. If anyone has any ideas, please email

Also if you would like to join our email list please email the address above.

Many Thanks



The Friends of Welland Primary is a charity organisation made up of parents and friends of the school.

We all work together to support the students, staff and each other.

One of our biggest roles is to raise funds for the school. 

Our main fundraisers throughout the school year include:

  • Film Nights
  • Discos
  • Christmas Fair
  • Summer Fair
  • Christmas Cards

Recently monies raised have been used for school trips, playground markings, resources for the outdoor classroom, individual class resources, I sing Pop! and I-pads.


If you are a parent or family member with a child at Welland Primary, we welcome you to join our charity ,we have a range of roles and understand if you can only commit a few hours during the school year. We also have a very active group of Dads (this is not just for Mums!) as well as Grandparents and other family members volunteering.


Whatever way you can support is fantastic!


If you have any questions, please get in touch via email 

or on our Facebook page Welland Primary School PTA

Thank you
