
WellandPrimary School

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Science at Welland Primary School 


The national curriculum for science aims to ensure that all pupils: 

  • develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics 

  • develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them 

  • are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future 


Our intention at Welland Primary School is to foster our pupil’s natural curiosity about the world around them. Our aim is to fulfil every pupil’s potential to be a lifelong scientific learner and prepare them for life in the increasingly scientific and technological world. At Welland Primary School we passionately believe that for children to be able to be successful and achieve great results in science, they need to be given the opportunities to learn, explore and experiment across all disciplines of the science curriculum. 

The National Curriculum provides a structure to our science curriculum and supports the pupil’s skill development for the science being taught throughout the school. Where possible our science curriculum is linked to our theme topics to provide a creative scheme of work, which aids their knowledge and understanding in a relevant and meaningful way.  Where applicable pupils are also given the opportunity to further develop and embed their scientific learning through educational visits.  

Through our teaching of science, we aim to ensure that all pupils are exposed to high quality teaching and learning experiences. Children are encouraged to build foundational scientific knowledge, problem solve, rationalise and explain and test and predict, whilst also taking every opportunity to explore our local outdoor environment and see how science is embedded in our everyday lives.  


Science in our classrooms 

You will see: 

● Children engaged and excited by science 

● Children using a range of scientific materials to investigate 

● Practical, hands on scientific experiments 

● Children and teachers using ICT to broaden and develop their scientific understanding and recording. 

● Children working collaboratively  

● Discussions and debates in response to investigations 


You will hear: 

● Children talking about their investigations, what they predict, see and discover.  

● Children evaluating and developing their understanding of how to work scientifically 

● Children excited and passionate about the science they see around them 

● Children talking about science using key scientific vocabulary 


You will feel: 

● A classroom climate where mistakes are valued and part of the deepening our understanding 

● Children building connections between everyday scientific phenomena  

● That children are passionate to know more 


Science in the Early Years 

In Reception, pupils will learn indirectly through activities that encourage pupils to explore, problem solve, observe, predict, think, make decisions, and talk about the world around them.  

Science in the KS1 

In Key Stage 1, Pupils will: 

  • Ask simple questions  

  • Observe closely, using simple equipment such as a magnifying glass 

  • Identify and classify 

  • Use their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions 

  • Gather and record data to help in answering questions 


Science in the KS2 

In Lower Key Stage 2, Pupils will: 

  • Learn what a 'fair test' is 

  • Take measurements from a range of equipment 

  • Gather and record data 

  • Report their findings orally and in writing 

  • Be encouraged to ask questions about scientific concepts 

  • Carry out experiments in order to find out answers 


In upper Key Stage 2, pupils will: 

  • Be encouraged to ask questions about scientific concepts 

  • Carry out experiments in order to find out answers 

  • Understand what variables are and how to control them 

  • Take measurements from a range of equipment, understanding the need for repeated measures to increase accuracy 

  • Gather and record data using labels, classification keys, tables, scatter graphs, bar and line graphs 

  • Use test results to make further predictions to set up further comparative and fair tests 

  • Make conclusions on the test carried out, orally and in writing 
